Nigel Barlow is an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, author and coach on Innovative Thinking. Recently he has focused on how you can stay human in a digital world. In his keynotes, Nigel helps his audience to "Open their minds to creative re-thinking".
The master of applying innovative thinking to your biggest business challenges
Nigel was an Associate Fellow at the Said Business School in Oxford, specialising in Applied Innovation. He has worked with senior groups at many of the world's leading organisations. Nigel is adept at working with multinational groups and also facilitates creative retreats with top teams. He was a founding director of the Tom Peters Company in Europe and currently runs his own consultancy. Nigel also works with the idea of what he calls 'Digicare - how you create the best of human relationships through, and sometimes despite, the new technologies'.
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Nigel offers a highly memorable and compelling session, which people can apply immediately. Nigel is passionate about tailoring his sessions to specific business challenges and insists on connecting his input to audiences' everyday experience.
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Nigel is an excellent communicator who ensures that the achievement of business goals is seamlessly woven into the acquisition of fresh attitudes and skills. Nigel's skill is to convey a serious message in a highly entertaining and interactive way. He is a dynamic speaker, favouring the after-lunch spot as a suitable challenge to wake people up.
Er referiert auf Englisch.
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