Costas Markides is recognised as one of the world's foremost experts on strategy and innovation. He is a professor of Strategic and International Management and holds the Robert P. Bauman Chair of Strategic Leadership at the London Business School.
"Costas Markides is an expert on creating breakthrough strategies with proven results"
Markides was named to the "Thinkers 50", a ranking of the 50 most influential living management thinkers in the world, by The London Times, CNN, Forbes, and The Times of India. In his Harvard Business Review article 'To Diversify or Not to Diversify?', he discussed some key questions tied to business diversification, such as whether companies should diversify and how quickly or slowly they should move towards diversification. His current research interests include the management of diversified businesses and the use of innovation and creativity to achieve strategic breakthroughs. Costas received his BA (Distinction) and MA in Economics from Boston University, and his MBA and DBA from the Harvard Business School.
Seine Vorträge
Having taught on many in-company programmes Prof. Markides is without a doubt one of Europe's most experienced and respected business strategists. His presentations are ideal for decision makers keen to sustain and develop superior competitive performance by implementing and understanding new business strategies.
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Costas Markides' appearances are consistently well-received making him one of the most sought-after and prized speakers currently available.
Vorträge hält er auf Englisch.
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