Scott Steinberg is one of today's best-known leadership, strategic innovation, and future trends experts. A pioneer in the field of digital transformation, the Fortune 500 calls him a "defining figure in business + technology" and "top trendsetter to follow."
"Branded today's #1 ranked technology and generations expert according to Google."
As the CEO of BIZDEV: The International Association for Business Development and Strategic Partnerships, and management consulting and market research firm FutureProof Strategies, Scott helps partners understand emerging trends and drive growth around them. A strategic adviser to C-level leaders and four-star generals, firms like IBM, PwC, and the US Dept. of Defense regularly seek his insight. Scott has been described by the European Commission as "One of the best gurus on innovation & competitive advantage strategies to accelerate growth." Scott is the bestselling author of 14 books including Make Change Work for You and Millennial Marketing, as seen by over 1 billion people in 600+ outlets.
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One of the world's top influencers and business experts, Scott's hailed as a top change agent and technology futurist. Scott's motivational speeches, leadership seminars and training workshops reveal how to accelerate change and growth and are invaluable for demonstrating how to become more successful and effective in your life and business.
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A noted content strategy, social media and communications expert, Scott is a tremendously entertaining and insightful speaker. An experienced moderator and host, he has a gift for making complex ideas easily understood, his strategic thinking is second to none and he has an ability to recognise and communicate patterns that are driving the market.
Er referiert auf Englisch.
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