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Professor Stéphane Garelli

Professor Emeritus at IMD Business School & University of Lausanne

Stéphane Garelli is a world authority on competitiveness and has pioneered research and the theory in this field. He is Professor Emeritus at IMD Lausanne, where he has founded the World Competitiveness Center, he is also Professor Emeritus of World Competitiveness at the University of Lausanne.

"Time to look at the World differently"

Professor Stéphane Garelli


Professor Garelli was Chairman of the Board of Directors and shareholder of Le Temps, the leading French language Swiss newspaper, Chairman of the Board of the Sandoz Financial and Banking Holding, and Member of the board of the Banque Edouard Constant. Professor Garelli was the Managing Director of the World Economic Forum and of the Davos Annual meetings for many years. He is a member of a number of institutes, such as: China Enterprise Management Association, Board of the Fondation Jean Monet pour l'Europe' and The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences. He is also a member of the International Olympic Committee commission on Sustainability and Legacy.

Seine Vorträge

Stéphane Garelli reads today's global economic picture better than anyone else. He is an exciting speaker who combines content with an entertaining approach to complex issues supported by his trademark graphics. His presentations on competitiveness provoke companies and individuals to think "outside the box", and to confront their strategies with recent market trends and new competitive pressures.

Sein Vortragsstil

With meticulous preparation Stéphane's fact filled presentations are rich with detail, acumen and invaluable insights.


He presents in English & French.

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  • Time to Look At the World Differently; a Competitiveness Outlook for 2020 and Beyond
  • The Competitiveness of Enterprises on World Markets
  • The Competitiveness of Nations
  • The New Rules of Competitiveness Today
  • The Impact of New Technologies on Opening Markets and Increased Productivity
  • The Consequences of Competitiveness on Work, Attitudes and Skills


  • 2016
    Are you a Tiger, a Cat or a Dinosaur?
  • 2006
    Top Class Competitors! How Nations Firms and Individuals succeed in the New World of Competitiveness



Professor Stéphane Garelli

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