Page 23 - CSA Speaker Bulletin June 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 23


                               What You Say About Our Speakers

“                                     “                                  “

“The audience really enjoyed          “Terry Waite was excellent. He     “Noreena Hertz’s presentation
Ayesha Khanna’s keynote at            was knowledgeable, engaging,       to our European forum was
our leadership conference. She        charming and informative. His      a fabulous summary of
certainly knows her stuff and         content was informative and full   the challenges facing our
made it very relevant.”               of detail.”                        company.”

 International Payments Group                 Education Services Group             Global Events Organiser

                                      What You Say About CSA

“                                     “                                  “

“You provided a first class           “You understood our brief          “Yet again you delivered
service. It was so easy to work       excellently. You recommended       fantastic service. You were easy
with you and we appreciated           the right speaker for the job –    to work with and made our lives
the phone call set up in advance      she was absolutely perfect, our    much more straightforward; just
of the presentation.”                 audience loved her.”               what was needed – great.”

                   Global Foundation             Technology Corporation                     Marketing Agency

For more information on our contributors or to book them for any of your
events please contact:

CSA Celebrity Speakers Ltd                                       tel: +44(0)845 216 0100
90 High Street                                                   email:
Burnham, Buckinghamshire                                         web:
SL1 7JT, United Kingdom

© 2019 Celebrity Speakers Ltd  To book call: +44(0)845 216 0100  Email:  Visit:
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