Page 18 - CSA Speaker Bulletin June 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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 Professor Gareth Jones is a             organisations can embrace these        thanks to advances in neuro science
 leading expert in organisational        challenges?                            that the fully rational human being
 design, culture, leadership and         First, we need leaders with passion -  is emotional. Emotions are not the
 change. He talks here about             who care deeply about doing business   froth on the cappuccino, they are the
 world class leadership and the          in a way which delivers long term      coffee.
 qualities needed for sustainable        sustainable development. Passion is a
 development with passion and            strange word, closely associated with  Second, we need leaders driven by
 commitment to values.                   our emotions. Too often business       a clear commitment to values. Values
                                                                                based leadership can supply the
Ihave just had a leadership epiphany.    treats emotions as an inconvenient     glue in organisations where the old
   Having recently come back from        impediment to rational decision        integrators - hierarchies, careers and
   the United Nations Global Compact     making. But of course, we now know     boundaries – are breaking down.
 in New York I’ve been forced to
 reconsider what leadership looks like                                              Mouthing the values is insufficient.
 in the face of huge global challenges.                                                Leaders must live them and
 The Global Compact was established                                                     exemplify a vision of the future.
 by Kofi Annan nearly 20 years
 ago. It is the UN’s attempt                                                               Finally, what kind of business
 to engage with business                                                                         organisations can
 in pursuit of urgently                                                                              deliver sustainable
 required sustainable                                                                                   development?
 development goals. The                                                                                   Surely we must
 seventeen goals include                                                                                   grasp the limits
 “zero hunger”, “gender                                                                                     of short termism
 equality”, ”climate action”,                                                                               - the tyranny
 “reduced inequalities”,                                                                                    of quarterly
 “responsible consumption                                                                                   reporting is an
 and production”. These                                                                                    obstacle to making
 goals are heroic and absolutely                                                                        the kind of radical
 necessary if humankind is to have a                                                                  changes which are so
 future.                                                                                          imperative.
 I left New York asking myself what
 kind of leaders can deliver this                                                    Great businesses, with passionate
 agenda? What kind of business                                                  and moral leaders can make
                                                                                sustainable development a reality.
                                                                                Without them, we face a grim future.

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