Page 19 - CSA Speaker Bulletin June 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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Stéphane Garelli is Professor Emeritus of World Competitiveness,
IMD business school and at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
He provokes companies and individuals to think "outside the box",
and to confront their strategies with recent market trends and new
competitive pressures.

Innovation and creativity are                   companies. In a crowded market      6.	 Stay focused. Globalization and
exciting, but they can also be                  such as retail food, margins are
overwhelming. To succeed in the                 small. In pioneering sectors, such        technology create an inflation of
workplace, you should also focus on             as digital advertising, with fewer        opportunities. Social networks
your personal competitiveness.                  actors, margins are huge.                 can be distracting. Becoming
                                                                                          shallow or irrelevant is a genuine
1.	 Manage yourself as a brand.           4.	 Manage the input-output ratio.              risk.

      This means being clear about the          Only invest in activities that      7.	 Remain humble, do not boast.
      image and the message that you            require the least resources on
      project. Your responsibilities may        your side, while delivering higher        Remember the Icelandic proverb:
      change, but not your brand.               added value to the market.                “It is when the whale blows that it
                                                Avoid complex, time-consuming             is harpooned.” Stay low key.
2.	 Identify your uniqueness factor.            endeavors that can be imitated
                                                and/or delivered only once.         Finally, have a positive attitude. Mark
      This is not necessarily doing                                                 Twain said: “I have spent most of my
      what you are good at. Instead,      5.	 Keep in touch with the world.         life worrying about things that never
      focus on activities where you                                                 happened.” A wealth of activities may
      have a significant comparative            Peter Drucker said: “Changes        also imply a proliferation of potential
      advantage.                                in society have a bigger impact     problems. They should not be treated
                                                on companies than changes           as a personal affront; there are just
3.	 Then, strive to increase the                in management.” The world           a normal occurrence of events that
                                                will always interfere with your     needs to be resolved. Enjoy your
      difference between you and                priorities.                         competitiveness!
      others. The same applies to

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