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    P h o n e l e ss l yThe Year of Living

Martin Lindstrom is one of                   ability to be great at my job?           or text clients or friends and tell them
the world’s foremost branding                                                         I’m stuck in traffic. In my experience,
and business transformation                  A year after deep-sixing my phone,       cell phones have contributed to a
experts and author of 8 New                  the benefits in my life have been        worldwide delinquency around time,
York Times best-selling books.               huge. They’re also ongoing. Here are     oddly enough. And yes, without a
He is a frequent keynote                     a few observations.                      phone I’ve gotten lost, but when I
speaker at the World Business                                                         do, I ask around and people set me
Forum and the WEF. In 2019                   Creativity. Our phones and our brains    straight.
Thinkers50 named him one of                  are enmeshed—they’ve become
the top business thinkers in                 indistinguishable in many ways. Just     Likeability: At first my colleagues
the world. He talks here about               as we’re unwilling to turn off our       weren’t exactly overjoyed when I
living his life without a mobile             phones, we’re no longer giving our       told them I was retiring my Nokia.
phone and the positive impact                brains a chance to reboot, or refresh.   Today, they love it. They tell me I’m
it has made on his life.                     As a result, we pay less and less        nicer, more relaxed and much more
                                             attention to our intuition, our senses,  agreeable to be around. In the past,
When the iPhone came out                     our memories, our experiences—the        if I had a spare half hour, I would use
                in 2005, I wasn’t among      pattern recognition that our species     it to fire off numerous emails, most of
                the first in line but I did  has relied on for centuries. We also     them confirming stuff my staff already
buy one. Two weeks later, surprised          risk losing the capacity for boredom.    knew. Today, whatever free time I
that my new device was doing                 Boredom may seem, well, boring, but      have I use to reflect and prepare. My
exactly what it was designed to do—          it’s also the incubator for creativity   real-life friendships have also become
addicting me—I replaced it with a no-        and innovation.                          deeper, richer—better. Read more.
frills Nokia, which I used for the next
thirteen years. On January 15, 2018, I       Without a phone, and not that I’m
put my Nokia in a drawer forever.            keeping score, my productivity has—
                                             I’m guessing—doubled in the past
Why? Because I’m haunted by                  year. I see the world clearly (at least
the image of myself looking at my            I think I do), and as more and more
phone to the exclusion of everything         people duck inside the tent-flaps of
else around me. Mostly I remember            their own cell phone addiction, I’d go
resenting that a cartoonish cube of          so far to say that not having a phone
metal and glass had taken control of         has become a competitive advantage.
my life. The “endless and proper work”
of paying attention is an essential          Promptness. Even when I had my
part of the work I do. Why would I           Nokia, I often ran late, but these
use something that compromised my            days I’m pretty much always on time.
                                             Why? Because I can no longer call

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