Page 21 - CSA Speaker Bulletin June 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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bureaucratic, have processes without      keeps leaders of big organisations         the biggest small company in the
dehumanising employees, keep doing        up at night also provides a golden         world?
what works but still experiment, and      opportunity to truly move culture away
use intuition but don’t ignore research.  from habits left over from yesteryear,     Sahar Hashemi OBE is an
                                          habits that every day become more          entrepreneur and a powerful
It’s not easy, but it is possible, and    out of step with the external world.       authority on innovation. She
I believe the rewards are huge. As        New tools must replace that old-           has co-founded a number of
they say, necessity is the mother of      fashioned template, and start-up           companies. Here she discusses
all invention, and right now BBs need     culture offers them. What could            how all big businesses can
to reinvent themselves. The shifting      possibly be better than combining the      reinvent themselves and shift
landscape of customer expectations        agility of a start-up with the scale of a  towards a start-up culture.
and disrupt-or-die competition that       BB? What could possibly beat being

Generation Z                              themselves for challenges ahead. In
and the future                            the work place they will listen intently,
of work - are                             but also expect to be listened to,
you ready?                                embracing failure, and thriving best
                                          when made part of the solution.
They don’t know phones without            Employers should focus on self-
         screens, a world without the     development, not lifestyle, as Gen Z
         internet, and dating without     are often more interested in what they
apps. Generation Z is now coming          can learn, not what they can earn.
of age, and already there are clues
as to what we might expect as they        This is heightened by the ubiquity         smart hubs, intelligent assistants,
enter the workforce. Comprising 27%       of information that Gen Z has              and effective voice search. They
of the global population, Gen Z has       known from early childhood. Facing         understand AI’s disruptive power,
already experienced many of the           a problem? Find answers almost             and they quickly adapt to working
social, economic, and political trends    immediately. The internet has always       alongside intelligent machines.
that will shape their later years. Most   enabled them to find solutions in a        Gen Z will fundamentally change the
of them were in their formative years     way that none other could at their         future of work as their numbers and
during the financial crisis, a period     age.                                       influence grows. The best way to stay
whose harsh realities demanded that                                                  ahead of those changes is to get
they grow up fast. They learned from      Both as employees and as consumers,        genuine insight into how today’s young
their parents’ first-hand experience      celebrities are out, and influencers are   people think, feel and act.
that life could be tough, but with hard   in. Unsurprisingly this is often coupled
work they could make the most of it.      with a mission focused outlook,            Dhiraj Mukherjee is co-founder
                                          innovating ways they can make real         of Shazam, co-author of Fast
On the surface this manifests itself in   change to global issues. Parenting,        Forward Forum and speaks
young people as an unusual energy,        crisis and technology have fused to        regularly about emerging
a need to always be equipping             create a beautifully entrepreneurial       technology and business as
                                          and activist generation. Gen Z are         a force for good. He is also
                                          prepared for a future of disruption,       an active angel investor
                                          perpetual leaning and retraining – this    and mentor to disruptive
                                          is what they have been doing their         technology start-ups.
                                          whole lives. They have grown up using

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