Page 17 - CSA Speaker Bulletin June 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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Europe’s                                 be the main focus. Far more important
Only                                     is the debate over the EU’s 2019-2024
Decision                                 strategic agenda. After an informal
                                         summit in Sibiu, Romania, earlier this
The article below was written in May     month, European leaders will return to
2019.                                    this issue in earnest later in June. And
                                         for all of the attention paid to the EU’s
As the European Parliament election      institutions, it is EU heads of state who
approaches, Europe is abuzz with         will craft the bloc’s agenda. In other
speculation over who will lead the       words, member-state governments,
main European Union institutions         operating through the European
for the next five years. Among           Council, will be the actors to watch
the positions up for grabs are           after the election results are in.
those currently held by European
Commission President Jean-Claude         When the European Economic
Juncker; European Council President      Community, the precursor to the EU,
Donald Tusk; Federica Mogherini, the     was established in 1957, its primary
EU High Representative for Foreign       objective was to secure the peace
Affairs and Security Policy; and         between France and Germany,
European Central Bank President          starting with a customs union for
Mario Draghi.                            industrial goods and a common
                                         agricultural policy. Read more.
Personnel issues are hardly trivial.
In politics, personality matters, and    Courtesy of Project Syndicate
it has often played a pivotal role in
determining the EU’s trajectory. Still,  Carl Bildt, former Swedish
the leadership name game should not      Prime Minister, Chair of the
                                         Global Commission on Internet
                                         Governance and Co-Chair of the
                                         European Council on Foreign

European                                 gaining ground. The results suggest        "What happened was not really what
Elections                                a complicated future for the EU, as        a lot of people were fearing, that
Results                                  voters look for new ways forward.          there would be a surge of the far-right
                                                                                    populists" the current co-chair of the
Europe's traditional centrist coalition  Populist, Eurosceptic parties across       European Council on Foreign Relations
lost its majority in the European        Europe saw gains, but less than some       Carl Bildt said.
Union's parliamentary elections with     pre-election polls had predicted -
far-right populist parties and liberal,  and what pro-EU forces had feared.         "There was an increase by the far-
pro-European Union parties both          And the various nationalist parties'       right, but fairly marginal and far less
                                         differences over issues like migration     than people had predicted."
                                         and attitudes toward Russia could
                                         cloud prospects for a united right.

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