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Rory Sutherland

Behavioural Science Alchemist

Rory Sutherland is the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy, which has allowed him to co-found a behavioural science practice within the agency. He works with a consulting practice of psychology graduates who look for 'unseen opportunities' in consumer behaviour which can have enormous effects on the decisions people make.

"One of the most respected creative thinkers in the ad industry"

Rory Sutherland

In detail

Although Rory's initial proposal for a system that would enable people to share Office documents over the emerging internet was met with rejection by Microsoft, he persevered and played a key role in establishing OgilvyOne, a specialised digital and direct agency within the organisation. Today, he continues to champion the concept of '360 Degree Branding,' emphasising the importance of maintaining a cohesive and integrated brand presence across all relevant media platforms. Furthermore, Rory is the visionary behind Nudgestock, a worldwide festival dedicated to exploring the realms of behavioural science. Additionally, he hosts the podcast On Brand, where he engages in conversations with notable figures in the media and marketing industries.

What he offers you

With his sharp wit and his insightful analysis, Rory uncovers the subtle biases and cognitive mechanisms that contribute to the triumph of irrationality in our decision-making.

How he presents

Rory explores the essence of branding, as well as examining the nature of creativity and the significance of persuasion compared to compulsion. He places special emphasis on understanding why people, sometimes make surprising or seemingly "incorrect" decisions.


He presents in English.

Want to know more?

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to find out exactly what he could bring to your event.

How to book Rory Sutherland?

Simply phone or e-mail us.


  • Consumer Behaviour and Trends
  • Psychology of Selling
  • Digital Marketing and Advertising
  • New Ways of Branding
  • How Behavioural Science Will Change The World
  • How Ideas Are Created, Perceived, Consumed and Measured


  • 2023
    On Brand Podcast with ALF & Rory Sutherland
  • 2021
    Transport for Humans: Are We Nearly There Yet?
  • 2020
    Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Make Sense
  • 2019
    Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life
  • 2011
    Rory Sutherland: The Wiki Man

May we help?

To discuss how we can help find the right speaker for your organization, call us on
0044 845 216 0100

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