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The Copenhagen Democracy Summit 27th-28th June 2019

1st July 2019 - 1851 days ago

Anders Fogh Rasmussen is founder of The Alliance of Democracies, which is dedicated to the advancement of democracy and free markets across the globe. Each year they hold the extremely successful Copenhagen Democracy Summit which highlights important current issues facing the world’s democracies. As the Foundation believes democratically elected leaders and global business executives will benefit from a greater level of personal interaction, each year the Summit successfully brings together more than 500 participants from over 40 different countries having a range of backgrounds from politics, business, academia and journalism. Offering a variety of viewpoints, the discussions highlight both the challenges for the upcoming elections facing world democracies, but also the opportunities brought forward by technology and trade.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Chair of the Summit, stressed the importance of the summit, by saying: “In so many ways the world is getting better every day, but the democratic world is in crisis. People are losing faith in democracy.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Former Prime Minister of Denmark & Former NATO Secretary General

The United States has been the global torchbearer for democracy and freedom for 70 years, but it is turning inwards. Last year I travelled around Europe to witness the state of democracies for myself. In Europe voters are turning to extremes to air their frustrations and demand to be heard. Democracy can no longer be taken for granted. We must fight for it – but we must fight together. That’s why I formed the Alliance of Democracies Foundation. We must put democracy back on the front foot.”

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CSA News

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